Day 100 (Hundred) of 365 days
No one else is living for you, because no one is you. Each person is living for himself; his happiness is all he can ever personally feel. When you realize that no one owes you happiness or anything else, you'll be freed from expecting what isn't likely to be. It means no one has to love you. If someone loves you, it's because there's something special about you that gives them happiness. Find out what that something special is and try to make it stronger in you so that you'll be loved even more.
When people do things for you, it’s because they want to – because you, in some way, give them something meaningful that makes them want to please you, not because anyone owes you anything. No one has to like you, if your friends want to be with you, it’s not out of duty. Respect isn’t compulsory either, some people may be unkind to you. But once you realize that people don’t have to be good to you, and may not be good to you, you’ll learn to avoid those who would harm you. For you don’t owe them anything either.
If someone decides to help you as a friend, it’s a privilege, one you shouldn’t abuse. I’m often irritated when I hear someone say something like, “That my stingy rich uncle that cannot help anyone”. How about you help yourself. Get on your feet and work. There's a sense of fulfillment that comes with owning your own. It's okay to ask for help when in need, but if you don't get the help you seek, don't get bitter about it.
To change your outside, external world, you must first change what is going on within you. When you let go of your formidable sense of importance, accept yourself and others as one, and learn to not take anything personally, wonderful things happen. You feel rejuvenated, you have a new perception of the world around you, more energy and exuberance for life that does not come in a materialistic form, and above all, peace in your mind and heart.
Be informed that life isn’t bothered with your artificial sense of value and importance in terms of your role here on planet earth – play it cool.