Day 102 (A Hundred & Two) of 365 days
As children, many students hear the teachers remind them that they can achieve their dreams. If they put their minds to it, they can be anything they truly want to be. While this is positive programming, it’s each person’s responsibility to figure out what they want to be and how to get there.
For most people, achieving a dream can be filled with a lot of ups and downs. When it’s a dream worth having, you’ll probably have to fight for it. If you’re in a position where you want to achieve your dreams, but you’ve lost your way, know that you’re not alone.
There are lots of people who have come up with brilliant ideas, wonderful dreams and plans, but have failed to accomplish them, not so much because they did not have the energy, passion or necessary tools, but because they simply lacked self-discipline. Indiscipline is a lethal dream killer, but self-discipline enables you to make progress toward the attainment of any dream or vision.
Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.An indisciplined army cannot win any battle; neither can you. To achieve your dreams you have to fight your battles. You can only remain focused on your dream if you exercise self-discipline.
Lack of self-discipline has brought down many a great sportsperson. They start off with great promise and talent, and a great future, but end up with nothing but wishes and regrets about what was and what should have been. We have seen people who stood on little hills to announce grand plans, only to shipwreck the plans because of lack of financial discipline, for instance. In the very early stages of their project, they give in to selfish needs and interests; perhaps spend the seed money on personal needs, and the dream collapses.
Without self-discipline it is very easy to end up eating your seed instead of keeping your appetite in check and waiting for the season for eating. The harvest season follows the planting season, but if you eat what you should plant, there will be no harvest.
indiscipline is what is standing between you and your promise land.To achieve anything in life. You need to inculcate discipline in what you do, without discipline it is almost impossible to achieve a goal.