Day 103 (A Hundred & Three) of 365 days
A good sense of humour is one of the most important qualities that one should possess. Our day-to-day life is mechanical and under stress, to relieve from such stress we need happiness to run the life smoother.
It’s scientifically proved that due to happiness, one’s health would be good as one smile makes the enlargement of the nerves and makes the face good. Whereas sorrow makes the other effect on the health and one’s personality. Generally, people with good humour make people around them happy and they too lead a comfortable life. Whereas there are also people who make others happy with their humour despite their problems.
I would like to underline that a good sense of humour avoids the appearance of people becoming older. I mean that people who have a sense of humour are looking younger than their peers. And also it is proved that the spirits of these people stay younger. They wish and act like youngsters. So it is very important for living happily in this world. Indeed, most happy people have a great sense of humour. It has been said that angels fly because they take themselves lightly. I should think that angels have a whopping sense of humour!
Humour is the spark that lights our eyes as well as the cause of tears that never grows old. Humour is a state of mind. Most of us tend to regard a clever sense of humour as the distinction of a person who is good-hearted and friendly, someone people feel at ease with. They are the "life of the party" we always invite and the co-worker who always has a joke. Everyone has the jocular family member that they always look forward to seeing. We remember the kid in school that always made the class break into laughter. Humour is never forgotten when we reminisce and it is just as amusing as it was the first time.
Humour can be used like a sniper’s gun, picking people off when they least expect it. When we use humour to hurt, we abuse the fundamental essence of this wonderful gift. We must teach ourselves the difference between what is funny and what is cruel. A joke is never humorous if it is at the expense of another.
Life is neither good nor bad. It is what you make of it. If one has developed an attitude of always looking at the dark side of life, he will always manage to find some drawbacks and shortcomings even in a happy situation. On the other hand, people with an even temperament and equipped with a sense of humor always find something consoling or even amusing in many not-so-happy situations.