Day 111 (A Hundred & Eleven) of 365 days

Arowora Motunrola
3 min readApr 21, 2021


Emotions are the foundation of each relationship in our lives, and the power of those emotions cannot be overlooked. Emotions often override our thoughts and profoundly influence our behavior – often without our awareness, and whether we like it or not.

Most people seek relationship advice to find answers to problems they believe are responsible for their conflicts—without realizing there are more fundamental issues at the root of those problems. They are attempting to heal the surface symptoms of their dysfunctional relationships, without examining the real emotional issues that are simmering.

Our behavior and thought processes as adults are directly influenced by the experiences and environment of our early developmental years. There are always adults around children that give positive and/or negative influence. A child is like a sponge and will unconsciously absorb behaviors, attitudes, and emotions. If that influence is negative and consistent, the child will most certainly evolve into an adult with emotional and relationship issues.

Maturity is not something that happens overnight. Maturity comes through trial and error; it's a process that has to be perfected. Life throws curveballs and there are always multiple ways to deal with the situations. Being mature is making the right choices and knowing right from wrong.

When you turn eighteen you are expected to just be mature You're allowed to buy a house, a car, get a credit card, it seems like you can do whatever you want. Maturity gets thrown at you, so hopefully, you are prepared for it. High school responsibilities, like getting a job, budgeting your time and learning to drive teach you skills that you can use in your adult life if you choose to apply them. Maturity is about choice. You can be given every skill that you need to survive and if you are mature enough you will use them.

Self-denial is considered one of the most important qualities in mature individuals. Self-denial students can forget about personal gains, profits, and troubles by offering help to other people around them. This quality involves the individual's courage, and ability to make sacrifices, and strong devotion to achieve the best results. A mature person always knows about his or her responsibilities, duties, and priorities. They know how to manage their time effectively, develop a professional approach to their tasks and the overall learning process, and how to spend their free time more productively. A mature student understands that hard work and dedication always bring good results, thus this person never gives up on education. For mature students, challenges and difficulties always mean motivation to do their best to achieve effective results in their learning.

Although maturity is a natural process that requires certain knowledge, dedication, and strong faith in personal abilities, it can be very difficult for one to attain it. It is not measured by the number of years a person has lived. It is measured by certain features, the individual's characteristics, emotions, attitudes, and behaviors. Mature people are very strong, both emotionally and intelligently. They know how to behave in various situations, how to support reliable relationships, and how to act appropriately and avoid possible conflicts.



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