Day 113 (A Hundred & Thirteen) of 365 days
Gave away my ears the other day. It was to a friend. No, she had two of her own, so it wasn't like a transplant. Anyway, while I was doing that I also pretty much zipped shut my mouth. Mostly I just sat there and listened to her. I do that periodically. It's called being a friend. Bending an honest, generous ear to a friend in need almost defines friendship.
This pal of mine needed to talk, to lift a few heavy thoughts off her mind. But more importantly, she also needed to be heard. You see, she wasn't asking for advice. She just needed to ease those problems by rubbing the balm of another human being's attention on them. Being chosen for that chore is probably one of the highest compliments anyone can bestow on a friend. In effect, it says that person trusts you, values your silent attention, and respectful confidence.
Conversation involves speaker and listener and vice versa, rather, to a greater extent, if you would like to be a good listener, you would gain confidence and trust in others. Also, you will be duly appreciated by others for being a good listener, because it is indicative of being patient, sharing their joys and sorrows, being concerned with their feelings and problems, and understanding them properly. Besides, a good listening habit is a good source of making a greater friend circle and being popular among them.
Of course, being a good listener is not always easy. This requires practice and occasionally bites the tongue. If you want to master the art that you are a good listener so that you can hear what your spouse, kids, family, or friends are saying, follow some simple tips for improving communication. It is important for the person you talk to establish eye contact. This shows that along with the body language you are interested in listening to their opinions and encouraging them to speak more frankly.
Unfortunately, art as a good listener is getting more and more lost. Even face-to-face conversation and telephone conversation are no longer the main way of communication. Our interactive gatekeepers are computers and mobile phones, and we send simple, abbreviated, and often misunderstood breaking news by email or text. If you want to talk to someone (or a few people), please take time to predict the possibility of interference and remove it. Turn off your mobile phone and remove it. Turn off the computer or turn off the sound so that you can not hear e-mails or notifications. Turn off the power of television, radio, and other equipment that may distract you.
Stop doing what you do. There is nothing to be irritated about than trying to communicate with people who are even lazy to pay enough attention. Occasionally you nod and admit that you are hearing what they are saying. This also represents love and respect for each other. Think about how you handle it.
Do you want someone who can love, respect, and listen to you? I think everyone will do it! Let us treat others with the same attitude.