Day 131 (A Hundred & Thirty-One) of 365 days
Being a good observer is more than just self-awareness. Observing oneself is essential, but observing others provides another angle to absorb. Together, observing self and others creates richer insights to use.
Life and work are a blur, speeding by as we try to keep all the right things spinning at the right place. Getting the balance right is good enough but good enough does not enable us to entangle our life work in a real, purposeful way. Being dizzy does not produce lasting results.
Are you guilty of lowering your eyes when you meet someone on the sidewalk, or avoiding eye contact at the supermarket? In an age of increasing digital distraction, people have become so busy or preoccupied that they have difficulty being in the present. We have lost our skills of being immersed in an experience — to see, listen, smell, and think. How much are we missing that would make a difference to our mood, our creativity, our curious nature?
One of the best things to do to be more observant is to slow down. By doing this, you open yourself up to the details of your surroundings. Being observant means watching people, situations, events and then thinking about what you see — it’s not just about observing, but the critical thinking that follows which helps you learn more about the world around you.
Improving your observation skills allows you to “listen” with more than just your ears and make better decisions. It brings a calmness to you, as you are no longer centered within yourself, but are selflessly involved in another person’s world. Being mindful of your environment also strengthens the part of your brain associated with optimism and contentment. Whenever we are discovering new and interesting things, we are filled with a sense of excitement, wonder, and awe.