Day 132 (A Hundred & Thirty-Two) of 365 days
Loneliness is a dark place. It’s like sitting in a room at night by yourself and feeling like this is eternity. It’s like being in a place with a thousand people but feeling invisible to every one of them. It’s like walking on a path without any directions, without any idea when it will end. Loneliness is feeling like you are meant to suffer alone; loneliness is suffering alone.
Loneliness is unnatural; human beings are to be in a relationship. Loneliness is fear; there is no freedom in it. Loneliness is anxiety; worry its sister, uncertainty, its friend. Loneliness is endless wonder about endless wondering. Loneliness is cold with no hope for warmth but it is also unbearable heat. Loneliness is an awful paradox.
Loneliness is drowning in a sea or a crowd of people. It is believing that your existence is insignificant; it is believing that you are meaningless to anyone and anything. Loneliness is a tragedy; it is heartbreak and hardship and hurt. Loneliness is being covered in open wounds and scars that never heal. Loneliness is a shame.
Loneliness is the fear of being alone, more than the act of being alone. It is the feeling that something is missing. It is the chasm between our expectations of life and reality. You could be lonely because you are catching up with people who do not lift you and make your life lighter. It is also an interesting fact that lonely people tend to rate their social interactions more negatively and form worse impressions of people they meet.
It is essential to learn to spend time alone. You shouldn`t view it as a fate worse than death. It is always a good idea to be alone from time to time to remove yourself from the distractions and energy of other people. Time alone is beautiful but so is time spent with others. The most important thing to remember is that you needn`t tackle loneliness on your own.