Day 137 (A Hundred & Thirty-Seven) of 365 days
We should be optimistic in life. By optimism, it is meant that one should firmly believe that the best would happen. This belief will give us the moral boost to carry on with our efforts. Only hard and incessant efforts will lead to success.
For our efforts to be incessant, we should positively believe that we are going to succeed. This sort of positive thinking urges us onward till the end. Instead, if we get discouraged and lose heart, chances are that he will fail.
There is another side to this, despite all our efforts it happens that we don’t succeed. If such a thing happens, we should be prepared to accept it. We should remember that defeat is yet another step to success. Our next endeavor may succeed. But instead of that, if we lose heart and remain inactive, we will be giving success no chance to help us. Life as we all know is full of hard realities. At the same time, life has its bright side also. Life is a mixture of success and failure nobody is entirely successful in life. Likewise, nobody can always be a failure. If we fail once, the next time we may succeed. And so in whatever we do it is always better to hope for the best and at some time be prepared for the worst. Such an attitude will certainly help us in life.
Most people hope for things to turn out positive in their lives. Not many people wish for tragedy or negative things. Some people seem to attract bad happenings or misfortune. Is it all coincidence or are there underlying mechanisms that can influence outcomes and cause death and destruction, or the positive end of good fortune and long life by using positive thinking?
Do you know any pessimists (someone that sees the doom and gloom in everything)? Ever have anyone bring you down with their negative vibes? How about over-the-top optimists? Do you know anyone that irrationally attempts to always be happy? There is a big difference between having a frame of mind that is upbeat and positive, where you hope for the best in all things and having a frame of mind that ignores or hides parts of reality in order not to have to deal with it. When you hope for the best, you at least hope for the possibility of positive outcomes if there is that possibility inherent in the outcome of any particular situation.
Hoping for the best and then taking actions to support the desired outcome is one way to influence reality in your favor. However, there are those situations that we hope will turn out best, but there’s no way to influence the events. It is possible to prepare for the worst without being a pessimist. Keep logical about any situation and potential situations and be prepared to move into survival mode instantly. If you prepare for the worst, you will always increase your chances for survival.
It’s all about planning. Sometimes it can be hard to evaluate all eventualities but if you get the basics down you’re halfway there. With any situation in life where we put ourselves out there, there is a chance we could fall. Whatever your dream or goal is, make time to sit and think about possible scenarios.