Day 14 (fourteen) of 365 days.
Winners never quit and quitters never win! I bring unto you good tidings. How has the journey been so far? Some people believe that talent and a winning attitude are all you need to succeed in your endeavors, but a winning attitude means having determination, which many people lack.
Determination is an important factor in the overall success or failure of a person’s efforts. Unfortunately, determination is not something that comes easily to the majority of people. To be truly determined, you have to be passionate first about what you’re doing.
There is no difficulty which we cannot overcome when we are truly determined. Yet many of us failed in big and small ways because our determination was never strong enough. You should always believe that difficulty does not come to destroy you but help you realize your hidden potential and power — You have to make difficulty understand that you’re difficult to defeat.
Success in life is a process of selection and elimination or choosing between the worthy and the worthless. Thus, unless we are inspired by determination and a great purpose to make our life count, we may not make much of an impression of ourselves.
There is no such thing as limitations. The only thing holding you back is yourself. Your views on what is and what is not possible. It’s easy to get deflated when others don’t believe in you, especially those that might be close to you. There are always going to be those that say it can’t be done. But the good news, however, is that no one has the right to tell you otherwise. No one knows your true capability, so you need to prove them wrong by living your dreams and becoming fearless.
Your innate talent may create opportunities but you have to put in the real work to make those opportunities a reality. What happens if you run into obstacles on the path to your goal? You push through them or you blaze a new path. That is the thing about determination, it helps you keep moving regardless of what is in front of you.
Get up early, stay up later. Don’t wake up this morning to be mediocre!