Day 15 (fifteen) of 365 days.
I’m so excited cause it’s already weekend. Aren’t you? I know you are definitely. Let’s explore the wonderland of how to discover your purpose.
Every one of us has a WHY, a deep-seated purpose, cause, or belief that serves as a source of passion and inspiration. The other side of the coin, however, is that somehow our experiences are too easily blocked from coalescing into robust replies. Our sensations have been left scattered in our minds. We haven’t been able to collect them, sift them, see the connections and evolutions, we haven’t had the energy to consider how the ideas are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive. If we can imbibe confidence and dexterity, we would have the enthusiasm to come up with visions of great values.
Heroes are in the end those who have been able to break the rules on the quest of catching their imaginations.
To discover your WHY however, you need to trust that you do have a higher purpose. Listen to your inner knowing. Identify your passions, your values, and your goals. Don’t make mere imaginations, take actions. Reflecting on the corresponding four questions below can help find the ‘sweet spot’ that sits in the intersection between what you care about, how you can make an impact, and what will be valued most.
What is my source of inspiration? When you work towards things that inspire you, it makes you feel more alive. What makes you feel alive isn’t referring to going to your dream places or playing your favorite games. It’s bigger and deeper than that! I’m talking about a WHY that moves you from being about you to being something bigger than you. It’s about connecting your passion which grows your impact and influence in ways that nothing else can.
What are your innate strengths? When your natural talent and skills meet personal passion, you are not only more productive but also add more value and enjoy more personal and professional fulfillment. Accordingly, it is also often where you tend to make more money!
There are situations where you find yourself being passionate about things you have no natural talent for and talented at things for which you hold little passion. The truth, however, is that we rarely aspire toward ambitions we have no natural talent for.
I’m sure you’re excited about the remaining questions. We see to that in the next post!