Day 154 (A Hundred & Fifty-Four) of 365 days

Arowora Motunrola
2 min readJun 3, 2021


Mahatma Gandhi said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” This means that we must set an example and implement the right kind of changes to make the world a beautiful place. In other words, if we want to see a change in a place we should be the ones to do it first for ourselves. As days and nights, time and tide there happen to change in this world — every second. Change is indispensable and we humans should learn to accept life changes. One who learns to adapt to the change is smart. But one who brings the change he or she wishes in the world makes history.

Change is always permanent in this world. The only thing that cannot be controlled is change. But we can always take efforts to bring about the right kind of change in the world. When we want others to follow a good habit and we insist on it, first of all, we should follow that habit. For example, only when we are punctual we can teach others on Values of Punctuality. That is how others will accept the change.

Who we are now is not who we were last year, last week, yesterday, or even a minute ago. Life never stands still, no matter what we do. Change is the very nature of existence — our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, ideas, even our relationships are as changeable as rain and sunshine, or night and day. But, as much as change is inevitable, it is not always welcome or easy to deal with. It can upset our world and generate many conflicting feelings. However, it is in those very moments when everything looks hopeless that we have a real chance to grow into something better: what the caterpillar calls the end of the world, we call a butterfly!

If we are not perfect enough to insist on a change, the person on the opposite side will not listen to us. A teacher can bring in a good academic score in all students only when she teaches well. Only when we are brave enough to bring about a change in what we believe, others will believe.

Starting to be the change we want to see in the world, we would also inspire change in the world that comes from within each individual. Children are our best hope of positively influencing the world to love and care for each other. To put aside differences and to focus on the similarities. Before that, we are still the prime influencing force affecting the future of the world that the future generation will be living in.



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