Day 155 (A Hundred & Fifty-Five) of 365 days
The majority of people are like drones, nowadays. It seems as if they are living their lives in a trance — numb sleepwalkers that do the same things day in and day out — while being stuck in various routines that have accumulated during the years. Routines that give them the sensation of stability in an unstable and ever-changing world.
Yet, the state of being a numb sleepwalker can be very promising — after all, all you have to do is lean back and start drifting through life, which can be an exciting journey full of adventurous hours in front of the television or your video console. This is one possible way of life, but there will always be the remaining emptiness within yourself that you will not be able to fill — not with entertainment, not by accumulating riches, gathering tangibles, or continuously changing partners. That’s the burden of being a sleepwalker — you won’t reach true fulfillment and consciousness; to put it simply: you aren’t able to fill the emptiness within yourself.
Life is a very fragile thing to me. Each day I wake up, I try to make it the best day I can. Sometimes I achieve, and sometimes I just flat out don’t. People say, “You’ve only got one life to live, take your best shot.” I agree with that quote because it’s true. You do only have one life to live, and once it’s over, you’re on to a better place. If you had to ask me, I would say I want to explore the world and live life to the fullest, and that’s what matters to me, living your life to the fullest.
In my world, drama is the enemy. People cannot live a healthy life with drama, and stress, and this and that. We all just have to chill and relax and worry about what matters. Life is like a roller coaster. So many twists and turns, but in the end, you enjoy every minute of it. Right now, I’m on a stress-free roller coaster that’s catapulting me into the clouds. Ultimately, life is how you make it. It’s your choice how you live it. You can crave gossip and drama, or you can have no worries and remain chilled.
As the saying goes, “Live life to the fullest!” Always live each day as if it were your last. Enjoy every moment of your life and have everything you wish. Life is full of surprises. We never know what will happen later or tomorrow. So explore and embrace new challenges. But the important thing is that we can learn something new from everyday situations and from people we meet.