Day 164 (A Hundred & Sixty-Four) of 365 days
Do you doubt yourself? I do. Every morning, while I read, during my writing time, and before bed. Will I ever make it? is a thought that haunts and plagues me. I can’t escape it. But it’s also what compels me to show up every day.
It’s so easy to obsess over the results of something happening in our life, whether it’s a career, relationship, or something else entirely. We tend to do the opposite of trusting the process and go frantic on the things that aren’t happening, especially when things don’t go the way we expect. However, this normally ends up badly for us.
When you say you trust the process, this means having faith that things will eventually work out in their own time. For instance, trusting the process in your career that while you aren’t exactly where you imagined being, you’re working your way to getting there. When you trust the process at the right time, you’ll get where you intend to go without rushing or pressuring yourself. It can take you to places you never imagined and it all comes down to patience, trust, and faith. It means that even if things may look bad in your current path, it’s not your final destination.
Whether or not you have ever completed a marathon, I am willing to bet that you can imagine the thought process that one goes through during this extensive experience. Presumably, marathon runners face feelings of doubt and despair as they consider how far away the finish line is. Some may even experience physical pain, making them want to quit. However, studies have shown that over 90% of those who begin a marathon cross the finish line.
What do these people all have in common? They trust the process because they’re confident about the result.
Trusting the process involves truly believing that the result of your goal will be worth all of the struggles that you have to face throughout the process of getting there. You can take this idea of trusting the process and apply it to your personal development whenever you decide to make a change in your life. By focusing on your daily habits, your small victories, and the process of getting to your end goal, you can push fear aside and not allow it to distract you as you persevere to the end.
If you can gain a sense of intrinsic motivation, you will be able to enjoy the process of reaching your goal–whatever that goal may be–and ultimately be more likely to ultimately reach it. No matter what your goal is, trusting the process of achieving it requires finding a sense of joy in all of the steps along the way and being accepting of obstacles or setbacks that lie in your path. It’s about being mindful throughout the journey and realizing that you spend a lot more time throughout your life working toward your goals than you do celebrate when you achieve them.