Day 168 (A Hundred & Sixty-Eight) days of 365 days
Irrespective of age or sex, walking is the best tonic to keep us hale and hearty. The best time for it is at dawn, or with the first rays of the rising sun when it is soothingly calm and quiet; the air is free from dirt or smoke, and when you can listen to the divine music of birds without getting it mixed with the ear-splitting noise of vehicles.
The hectic life of man does not allow him to have a walk. He is so busy and has so many assignments that his life is almost mechanized. He is the proud owner of a car or a two-wheeler. He has almost become a wheel, moving around the axle of his existence. His dependence on automobiles has made him not only their slave but has also showered not beneficence but curses. At an early age, he gains it, suffers from high blood pressure, and has cardiac troubles. As the age advances, he has pain in his knees and ankles. It is all because he has forgotten how to walk. Although he is very busy yet he has all the agonies of an idle person.
We must develop the habit of regular morning walks. The benefits of a morning walk are many. For those who suffer from tension, heart disease, obesity, or any other problem, a morning walk is a must. Experts say that a morning walk reduces tension and heart problems. It keeps us thin, trim, smart, and alert. It is also good for those who are healthy and fit because prevention is better than cure. Thus a morning walk cures as well as prevents sickness.
Walking helps us to organize our thoughts, plan the day, cool down one’s temper, and settle disturbing emotions.