Day 19 (Nineteen) of 365 days

Arowora Motunrola
2 min readJan 19, 2021


For some, what they engage in is just a way to pay the bills. For others, those whose careers fit their passions and personalities tend to have great satisfaction and success.

You don’t need to compromise between what you do and passion.

People can walk about for years lost to who they really are. Some of us can’t even say what makes us really happy. Discovering who you really are takes time. You have to go on a search. A search for YOU! What you like, what you don’t. Why you believe the things you do, and if they are really your thoughts or the thoughts culture has handed you.

Everyone says that you should just be yourself, but what does that even mean? What is being yourself really feel like? The only way to know how to be yourself, is to know who you are at your deepest core value. Who you are is not in your job, your name or the labels you have given yourself through the years. Who you are is underneath of all that. Life satisfaction involves the ability to use and remember facts and details, creating a real product or service, the ability to work independently creating tangible results and explicit objectives, and working in an environment where practical judge-craft is valued and rewarded.

Your personality type goes a long way in determining the path to take in life. Your personality type helps you understand yourself broadly. Personality might determine the career path you choose, and it may predict whether you’re unhappy with your job. People who engage in activities with characteristics and tasks related to their personality are more productive, happier and make more money. For example, extraverts tend to hold jobs that involve communicating with others, such as sales or customer service.

Introverts on the other hand, may trend toward jobs interacting with computers or technology. Misfit in these jobs - an introvert being a sales person for example, or an extravert who works in an office alone may lead to lower performance and dissatisfaction. Similarly, individuals high in conscientiousness may gravitate toward jobs involving numbers or paying attention to detail.

More on personality in the next post!



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