Day 194 (A Hundred & Ninety-Four) of 365 days
The real difference between being responsible and being irresponsible is an indication of how effectively we’re managing our lives when the opportunity to make a good or bad decision presents itself. Accepting responsibility is one of the most important factors in defining a person’s true character. When that responsible moment comes, what you do — or don’t do — is an indication of the type of person you are.
Failing to accept personal responsibility may work to your advantage on occasion or in the short term. For example, you might get away with keeping your mouth shut about something that you’ve done, or even blaming someone else for your misdeeds. You might not face consequences for your wrong actions…at the time. However — make no mistake about this — eventually, this poor choice will catch up with you and, it’ll typically cause more pain for you down the road than if you’d stepped up to the situation, took responsibility for it, and honestly said, “I did it”.
When we make excuses or try to blame other people or external factors for the eventual outcome of something, not only are we failing to take responsibility, but we are demonstrating a character trait that is very common in people who fail to succeed in anything.
It’s only when you accept that everything you are or ever will be is up to you, that you can get rid of the negativity of excuse-making that can so often prevent you from succeeding. You may find yourself in your current position in both your personal and professional life and remain convinced that if all’s not going well, then it’s ‘so and so’s a fault’. However, we all have free will which means that we are completely responsible for all of our successes and failures and of our happiness or state of unhappiness.
I have personally watched some of the people I know and even friends go through this scenario. They wonder why, and yet seem surprised why they have such low grades in their classes. Then they think it’s the professor’s fault because his class is hard or he gives out too much homework etc. In reality, not only are they showing they are irresponsible but the fact they are not being accountable for their actions. People who are not accountable are also the people who make excuses and sit on the “pity potty”. These people always seem to ask the same question time and time again; Why me?
See, I hate surrounding myself with people like this because accountability doesn’t exist in their world. In my world it’s everything to me, that is why I try my best to stay away from self-pity and to take responsibility for my actions. When you take full responsibility for holding yourself accountable, your performance will improve, your relationships will flourish, your market value will soar, people’s respect for you will skyrocket, you will be a great example for others to follow, and your self-esteem will grow.