Day 203 (Two-Hundred & Three) of 365 days

Arowora Motunrola
3 min readAug 3, 2021


It’s never too late to start over. To hit the pause button. Breathe. Then begin again. You don’t need to lose yourself in the shuffle, get caught up in your mistakes and your fears and your anxieties. You don’t have to hold onto your anger or your sadness and carry it with you in a little jar. You are more than a little jar, waiting to be filled by unsatisfying things — material things, superficial love, addictions and vices and so many other negatives that leave you feeling emptier than before. You are more than that little jar you feel defines the person you are, so much so that you try to fit yourself in its glass walls, try to keep contained within the edges and not overflow.

There is no rewind, but you can always restart, let go. Let go of the toxic friends, of the urge to gossip, of the anxieties over what he said and she said, of the worry you feel over a future you cannot control. Let go. It’s never too late to put down that jar you’re carrying and pull yourself out of it. Grab your legs and arms and brain and heart and soul and reconstruct them back into the self you’re supposed to be. Reshape. Remold. Reconnect. And begin again.

The world is in turmoil and it has reminded me once more of the connection we humans have, the one thing that unites us. It is a trait none of us can control, but that is present in heroes and villains alike: having hope. If all else is lost, there is still hope. Now let us speak of one thing that keeps me and most others going: If you don’t go for it, you’ll never know. The worst that could happen is that it could go wrong. But if you do believe in destiny, and it does go wrong, then knowing that it going wrong was a part of your destiny is almost a comfort worth the risk.

They say if you love something let it go and if it loves you it will come back. I say screw that. Nothing good comes easy, so why go the easy way? Why avoid the hassle, the fight? Why let go if it is so much more satisfying to keep holding on?

Whatever it is you are thinking about while reading these words, may it be a friendship, a creative project, a political movement, school related, or a relationship, I hope you don’t let go. Yes, the saying goes “if it is meant to be it will be”, but what if you are meant to fight for it? What if all along, the hardship you are facing is simply testing your resilience, the universe facing you and looking you deep into your soul and asking you “Are you worth what I have in store for you?”

That one small step will get you moving toward making things happen, and each small step will lead to the next. As long as you keep taking those next steps your new life story will be written before you know it! I know you can do it, and you know you can do it too. Here’s your pen, so take the first easy step and write your one word!



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