Day 23 (Twenty-three) of 365 days
So, how do you test-drive a career before moving full speed ahead? Follow these directions:
- Know your tools
- Give the once over
- Take it for a spin
- Take the drive
Know your tools
Don’t shift into ‘drive’ until you know where you’re going. Start by searching the vast array of information that’s often available to you but not quite in your wheelhouse just yet. Read, research, and relate. What tools are right for you? What training will help you get there? Explore your interests, values, personality, and your natural talents. Look for career options that could be a good match for you based on what you’ve learned about yourself. Determine specifically what is and isn’t working in your life and career and begin to unlock your highest potential.
Give the once over
Gather information about the careers and path you’re considering. Learn about the job tasks, skills, job outlook, salary range, career path, and training or educational requirements. Talk with people who work in the occupations and industries you’re considering.
Take it for a spin
Based on what you’ve learned from your research, decide which occupation or skills you want to ‘test drive’. There are many great ways you can explore careers through experiential activities. Try on your top three new compelling directions so that you can differentiate between “sound cool ideas” versus “real-life” directions that fit with your values, priorities, and needs.
Take the Drive
What did your test-drive tell you? Is the career for you? Using the information you’ve gathered along the way, you’re ready to choose your career with confidence. So, develop a bold and SMART action plan with soaring steps that moves you forward in getting to your desired next level and build a powerful support community to help you.
If you’re in college, job shadowing, volunteerism, and internships can give you a better perspective as you navigate your path from college to career.
If you’re a high school student, get a summer job, enroll in a career-themed summer camp, or shadow someone who works in an occupational field that sparks your interest. Are you a working adult considering transition? You can test drive a new role by taking on a special project in your current work environment or in a non-profit organization. Maintaining a growth mindset is critical to navigating a pivot successfully.
By seeing change as an opportunity, rather than a personal shortcoming or obstacle, you will be much more likely to find creative solutions based on what excites you rather than subpar choices clouded by fear.