Day 239 (Two-Hundred & Thirty-Nine) of 365 days

Arowora Motunrola
3 min readAug 27, 2021


Repentance is a feeling of pain or regret for what one has done or omitted to do. It is a feeling which everyone must experience before improvement can take place. The thief who feels no shame or sorrow for having stolen, the liar whose lies cause no compunction, will continue in their evil courses unless they can be brought to realize how great are the sins they have committed.

True repentance implies not only regret of the past but an earnest desire to do better in the future and to make amends for the wrong that has been done however great the cost. The boy who has deceived his master cannot be said to have truly repented until he has confessed his deceit, and is willing to undergo the punishment of his offence, however severe it may be. The man who by unfair means has deprived another of his property or estate has not truly repented, however, bitter his remorse, until he has restored everything to the rightful owner.

“Repentance” is a bigger word than either “regret” or “remorse”. Regret is a mild, and remorse a deep and “bit­ing” sense of sorrow for sin or folly; but repentance is “sor­row for sin” combined with “a sincere desire to forsake it”. It involves not only sorrow and shame for one’s wrong­doing, but giving it up and trying to live a better life. Repentance with all its external consequences like giving up sin, performing what he had missed in the past, and not returning to it again, all these indicate an eternal psychological behaviour which starts to grow in man's self and which extends out in the form of behavioural correctness and upright human manners.

A criminal or a deviated one should realize, even for a while through conscience, that man who dissents against the tradition of this existence; a disobedient and mischievous, harmful being, understands that the society around him dislikes him and looks at him as rubbish of the society and secretion of a dangerous sickness which poisons the life of mankind and which forms a danger against their security and peace. This concept leaves the sense of deficiency to grow. Therefore, to open the door of repentance is more helpful for such a man and more beneficial, which returns confidence to him and which saves him against feeling that society has pressure on him and dislikes him.

True repentance can transform our lives! No matter what you have lived through up to this day, no matter what your past has been like, no matter the sins you have committed, or the vices holding you back, no matter the kind of life you lived or are still living today! If you truly repent, God will bless your present and change your future. Learning how to have Godly sorrow and repent has had a positive influence on me in the past month. I have a lot of growing to do, but I can honestly say that I have a desire to repent for my relationship with God and not just my peers.

God has put a word in my heart and I'm glad I shared it with you!



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