Day 241 (Two-Hundred & Forty-One) of 365 days
All of us wish to achieve many things in life. But usually many of us do not succeed in achieving anything. And often we tend to curse our fate or misfortune. But the fact is that we have only ourselves to blame for our failures. Is there such thing as fate? If our Will-Power is strong, we can easily overcome all hurdles. The concept of fate is man-made. It is not enough that we wish to achieve something. We should have the proper willpower to carry out our planes.
We all know what is right, and we are eloquent in preaching it to others; but in the practical doing of right, we find ourselves weak and powerless. Morality depends greatly on the power of will. Not ignorance but weakness is the cause of a great deal of the immorality that prevails in the world. Whenever we wish to do a thing there are difficulties in the way of doing it, and temptations for not doing it. The higher and nobler the object we wish to achieve the greater are the difficulties, the stronger the temptations.
Willpower is what makes us save for the future rather than splurge now. It helps us to keep our heads down, studying and working when we don’t feel like it”. Whereas motivation might get tasks done, or help you achieve minor things in life, willpower is what is going to get the job done, or what is going to help you achieve those goals of yours that you never thought were possible.
People do not start something because they lack will. Strength comes later. Do you remember any time of your life when you were determined to do something and you did it? It could be some tough exam that you have passed or it could be some long trip that you finally have planned. If we look at our past we have several things that we are proud of. Most of these things were not easy, but you got them because of your will. You wanted to do them at any cost. When you have such willpower, you will always find a way to do this.
You do not need to be on the moon to check your willpower. It shows in your life every day. Today this world is full of information. No matter what your profession is you will find something new to learn. But we do not have enough time to learn everything so we skip. Now, what matter is the importance of that thing and your willpower to learn? Suppose you need to travel to some hill station. You have a debit/credit card, but you do not know how to make an online payment for advance registration. Yeah! We all know it is easy, but not for the one who is doing it for the first time. Now if you know that you barely need to travel again and make online payments. You will find an easy way and ask some friends to do it. You will send cash to him later and it is done. Alright.
Now if you know that you often travel or you often need to make online payments. You want to learn that. For that, you have to go to your friend and work on it. So you need some extra time and effort, right? Now it comes to your willpower. If your will is strong you will find time to be with your friend and learn it. But if you lack, will you will find an excuse. You will find it easy to ask your friend’s help to do it. However, it will solve your purpose for short time but it will increase your dependency over time.
The past is dead. It is death-dealing. The present matters. Nothing is so frustrating as to feel futureless in a career. Or elsewhere, if the spirit of action descends on you, you do something more than pull at your chains, you break them! This is the royal road to freedom and expression of personality. This is the real secret of willpower.
The first thing for a child to learn is that he or she must at any cost go through what work is set for the day. Rigid adherence to a routine of work, despite the difficulties of the work itself, and the temptations of bad companions is the basis on which a boy’s future character and happiness will entirely depend. Be slow to make up your mind; but once it is made up allow nothing to come between you and your resolution. He triumphs in the battle of life who is endowed, not with dazzling to intelligence, but with dogged perseverance.