Day 252 (Two-Hundred & Fifty-Two) of 365 days

Arowora Motunrola
3 min readSep 10, 2021


Life is good and beautiful in itself once you get the reason for your living. Many today are just living but not yet discover their true reason for living and I personally believe that every human being on earth has an assignment to fulfill to make this world a better place and we all owe a debt to it.

The greatest tragedy in life is not death but a life without a purpose. This purpose is the essence of every person’s presence on earth. To me, it’s better not to be than to be and do not know why you are. If we understand this, we will be so busy and minding our own business by doing that which we have to do to make our world a better place than we found it and consequently have no time left to judge our fellow neighbors as the famous Mother Teresa said: “If we pass our time judging others, we will have no time to love them.” In this sense what will make me feel truly Alive is to fix yourself a plan and run with it but meanwhile enjoying life because every minute counts.

We are to be aware of this fact that even though God would not be our judge, the life we have lived on earth will justify us or condemn us as being something to someone or being nothing to nothing to anybody. I have come to love the saying of Mother Teresa “One of the greatest diseases is to be nobody to anybody”. Personally, I have defined life as a unique opportunity given to any human being to do the good he /she can to change the bad he /she sees, and in this way, we will live as examples and a source of inspiration not only to the world we are living in but also to the generations yet unborn.

Admittedly, it isn’t easy to pursue what makes us feel alive. Many of us feel trapped by circumstances. We think our only options are to muddle through and cope. Feeling alive seems too wishful. How do you actually get there? I wish I had an easy answer. I don’t. And even if I did, it probably wouldn’t be useful. Formulaic answers in this arena are always too simplistic. It takes guts to make the choices needed to feel alive. Everyone has to find his or her own path.

The signals pointing to what makes you feel alive are all around you. However, they don’t grab you by the lapels, look you in the eye, and shake you. Rather they whisper softly in your ear, easily drowned out by all the other noise in your life demanding attention. If you don’t actively listen for your signals, you won’t hear them. What’s more, the whispers are usually telling you to take a risk. So it’s easier to ignore them.

Pursuing what makes us feel alive often gets wrongly labeled as self-centered. It’s anything but. Think about the people who’ve inspired you the most. Are they self-centered? Rarely. Are they doing something that makes them feel alive? Almost always. Have they followed a beaten path to get there? Almost never. Would it be good to have more people in the world like them? You bet.

There is a moment when a roller coaster has finally clanked its way to the top of the hill and is about to be dropped (but hasn’t yet). It’s the moment of in-betweens. You’re in-between stillness and motion. In-between terror and joy. It’s the moment you most dread and yet it’s also the moment you stood in line two hours for. It’s the moment in which I feel most alive.



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