Day 254 (Two-Hundred & Fifty-Four) of 365 days
I was walking in the darkness where life is in misery and hopelessness. That place was the cave of my nightmare where all my hatred, pains and fears were hidden. I saw nothing but pitch black. I was like a blind person who never knows the beauty of colours. I continued walking, even almost the part of my heart was already scared and worried. I just walked until I realized something was wrong with it. Then I realized how dark it was and I was with nobody! I screamed! I shouted! but nobody heard. I asked for help but it seems no one cares.
Then I realized I will never see that way so I stood and bravely faced the darkness. From that moment I felt no more fear in my heart and... even... hate? It was hesitation but not hatred anymore. Later I saw a light and I taught it was the way out so I was so happy and ran through the direction of the light but my right foot slept and with the pain, I screamed. Slowly tears fell "I don’t understand why it is happening to me I tried to stand up alone but it seems I can’t go on!"
I don’t understand why it happened. But I stopped when I heard a voice saying "come, stop crying" said the unknown voice. "Who are you?" I asked. Then he answered me in a low voice "I am your friend. After a while, he helped me to stand and He walked with me. I felt so glad for I found a real friend. "Alas!" I said to myself "I found a friend who is true and willing to be with me". After the long walk, I realized the man was not with me anymore, but again I heard his voice saying "go, and follow the light and you will see what you are looking for"
The concept of light has boggled the minds of men for thousands of years. We have tried to bend, twist, tube, generate it, and once more are continually trying to travel as fast as it does. Light fascinatingly travels at approximately 186,000 miles per second; that is roughly 670 million miles per hour! Yet, when we look up God’s creation (stars) in the middle of the night, we do not think of the physics or nuclear mechanics thatmakes them work.
Life presents a variety of obstacles on the pathway of ones’ life. My pathway from childhood through my current position as a young adult has been challenged and yet I choose to see the light within life. “When pain brings you down, don’t be silly, don’t close your eyes and cry, you just might be in the best position to see the sunshine".
Sing it louder just to let the world know. No, we’re not nameless, we’re not faceless, we were born for greatness. Be the light, so that even in the darkness, hope abounds.