Day 257 (Two-Hundred & Fifty-Seven) of 365 days

Arowora Motunrola
4 min readSep 15, 2021


I was just thinking not too long ago about what it would be like to be invisible for a day. I can imagine it would be really interesting to be invisible for just one day. Being able to be in a room where people you stay but do not know you are there and being able to hear what is said whilst you are not around. The only problem with that I guess would be that you would have to be prepared to maybe hear some things you never thought friends and family would say about you, with them not being able to see you they would feel safe enough to say things behind your back.

To become invisible is such an amazing fantasy that surely most of the people on the planet would have imagined at some point of time in their life. There are endless possibilities that one can do if they become invisible even for a day. There would be no worldly rules or boundaries to stop anybody from anything. That is why, in this time and age, people fear people more than real monsters.

An invisible person would feel like a genie as he would be able to fulfil all his wishes. An invisible person would not be stopped or checked by anybody. He could travel wherever he wishes to, tease anybody, peep anywhere and everywhere. Undoubtedly, anybody who becomes invisible would think according to his/her calibre, his/her mental ability and for his/her materialist or fantasied needs. Some would acquire position, some power, others, the riches of the world. But sadly, nobody would bother to look at the bigger picture of resolving the bitter problems of society. There are so many things that one can do that would prove beneficial to mankind. One can feed the poor, or unmask the terrorist, or acquire the knowledge of the unknown mysteries of the world.

However, invisibility can prove a little boring when nobody would be able to see or hear the invisible person. It would be like nullifying one’s own identity. It is juxtaposed to the goal of every man. Every man or woman wishes to make a place for themselves in society. In fact, despite doing good deeds, the invisible person can unintentionally prove immoral to some. Also ‘great power comes with great responsibility; with such power at hand, any strictly moral person can think malicious. So, the power would have to be handled with care.

If ambition is a joy forever, daydreaming for an impossibility to happen is thrilling as well as highly exciting. I wish I could escape from all cares and tensions of life. That would give me a long-desired opportunity to be away from the torments and tortures of the bitter realities of life. I would change the world to make it a better place. I have always had an idea of how the world should be. Being an invisible man will make my dreams come true. I would do the many things I cannot do when I am visible. Being invisible will give me the freedom to go anywhere, do anything, and see everything without anyone noticing me. Being invisible gives me the perfect opportunity to correct all the evils of society.

I would visit all the famous places in the world and see all the wonders of the world. I will travel everywhere without paying for these services, meaning that I would get rid of the humdrum of life and enjoy being free like a delighted bird. Even though most people would think of playing pranks on their friends and others, for me if I were invisible I will also use this opportunity wisely by saving our wildlife. I would monitor the rainforests and prevent poachers from killing endangered animals or even cutting down trees. I would scare them away and make them believe that I am a ghost. Since people are scared of ghosts, I am sure they would not continue this illegal behaviour. I would protect animals by ensuring that I guide them to the right path where they can easily access food and water.

Being invisible will give you the power to see the world differently. Everything will seem transparent as you can witness it all. It would be great if an ability like this would be used in a positive way and to abolish crime. Would you like to be invisible for a day? What would you do if you were invisible for a day?



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