Day 259 (Two-Hundred & Fifty-Nine) of 365 days
Do you feel lost and alone? Adrift and confused about which way to go? Do you long for “something more” but have no clue what’s missing? Maybe you’re not miserable exactly, but you’re not animated and in love with life either. Your circumstances may even look pretty good on the outside. But on the inside, where truth resides, you are bored to tears, unfulfilled, and restless. Or maybe you are miserable, stuck in a painful place, silently suffering. Trust me; I know what that feels like.
All feelings arise to show you something about yourself and your life. Feeling lost doesn’t mean you’re doomed or that your life is hopeless. It simply means that something better is waiting for you. Maybe you’ve been conducting your life based on what others believe is right, and you lost sight of what you want. Maybe you’ve been valuing the opinions of others over your inner knowing. Maybe you’ve been spending too much time with people who drag you down rather than lift you. These are all behaviours that, sooner or later, lead to discomfort. And they are all signs that something new and more suitable will ultimately happen.
Just when you thought you had everything figured out, you will come to a point when you will be so down and wonder why you can’t seem to get life right all at once. The truth is you can’t. Change is inevitable and every day we are growing into the person we should be. Have you experienced going into a room to get something and as soon as you are already there, you will forget the very reason why you even came in the first place? For me, that’s how life is. At one moment you knew your strengths, your weaknesses and your worth, you knew where you are going and the next thing you know you’ve lost. You don’t know where the right path is anymore. You’re not sure if you are still who you were before tragic events start to happen.
Rough patch, a bad day, a major setback. Sometimes, it seems like one thing goes wrong after another. And another, and another. Sometimes an unexpected challenge or an obstacle might come your way, and you find yourself stressing out, worrying and not knowing what to do. And, some days, you just have nothing. Zero motivation, no creativity. All of a sudden, you’re being plagued with self-doubt. You think you have to be strong all the time. It's actually okay to get lost in the process!
Know that your feelings are temporary. Sometimes it does feel like you start to lose control over everything– this is why in my experience, sticking to your regular routine is crucial. Make sure that you’re not spending most of your time on the couch, make sure that your sink is clean, your laundry is done, your bed is made- these are all things that will make you feel much better while you’re trying to work through your problems. You don’t have to keep up with all your usual chores, take it easy if you must, but sticking to your routine, even partially, can make a big difference.
It’s okay to not know whether this path will lead you to where your dream awaits or if that road will ever end you up with someone who will love you endlessly. It’s okay to live and not be sure of everything. It’s okay to lose your mind from time to time because if you ask me, I think it’s healthy to get out of your mind once in a while.
Getting lost is just another way of saying you’ll find your way again someday. So don’t give up just yet, the right path will only be right if you think and believe that it is. Life is too short to have an itinerary of where you’re going next. Get lost and enjoy being lost, you’ll learn a lot from it.