Day 29 (twenty-nine) of 365 days
“We all have incredible superpowers that are waiting to be awakened. This is not the ability to fly or walk on water but real life practical abilities like flying through books, creativity, clear thinking, superior mental attitude and more. We are all superheroes in one way or the other.”
Just as every superhero has powers. So do they have arch nemesis. They are those villains we need to vanquish and hold at bay. They get in our way and make life harder, keeping us from our potential. They hold us back and Rob us of our productivity, prosperity, positivity and peace of mind. And it's now our choice to recognise and defeat them.
Do you know the moment you identify a problem as a problem, it isn't a problem anymore? This is because the moment you know there is a problem you've unlock the first step then the next move would be how to solve the problem.
In general however, there are three things that hold us hostage and serve as the main blockages to our dreams. Many of us are victims of either one of these three things, but it's fine because we are in it together. These three villains are;
They say money is not everything but do you know that money is needed to make more money? Before we can acquire skills that’ll help us in achieving our goals and aspirations, finance is necessary. Many dreams have been put on hold because of lack of finance. Many ideas have been put away because the funding isn’t there. Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant ( ponder on the statement).
This is a powerful force. It helps us stay alive and prevents us from doing things that requires gut. It is a very limiting blockade that can prevent us from achieving the life we want. Fear has the power to literally kill our ambitions, goals and dreams. The fear of failure is however, one of the most common biggest fear that hold people back from living the best life. In a world that puts successful people on a podium, there can be shame on those who fall short or even worse, try in the first place.
This can have a major impact on an individual’s performance and well being. It has a negative consequence on our work and goals. It is an emotion that have a fundamental adaptive role in the management of goals. It plays a big role when it comes to individual’s motivation, working life and well beings.
These three villains are what we need to fight and conquer with our superpowers. Don't ever allow your setbacks to set you back so no one would tell you where you belong.