Day 260 (Two-Hundred & Sixty) of 365 days
“Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I’m not perfect and I don’t live to be-But before you start pointing fingers...Make sure your hands are clean!” This quote once said by Bob Marley is relevant because people judge people so quickly without even knowing them. People should never judge someone without knowing them personally or their story. People are going through all different things, good or bad, and they have no clue what those things are.
People hardly realize their own mistakes; instead, they strive to point out someone else’s. Each person is different from the other: Remember people have one thing in common; they are all different. If you don’t like doing something, it doesn’t mean that other people should not do it too. For example, when you don’t like going shopping on weekends, you shouldn’t tell another person that shopping is just boring. People can do what they want, that’s why stop judging other people based on your preferences.
Judgment from everyone and everywhere. Sad isn’t it. No matter how much you try not to judge others or how much you try to escape it, it happens anyway. Im is so tired of the constant judgment. Especially from people, I would never expect to do it. Just keep asking yourself this question: who are you to judge someone else? To make comments about how that person lives his/her life? To put them down if you don’t agree with something they’ve said or done? It’s not like we all are meant for the same path. We aren’t all supposed to end up in the same place, in the same situations, or end up with the same results in life. So why is it that people think they have the right to tell others that they are wrong? Who’s to say that the choices they’re making won’t lead them to where they’re meant to be? I think that’s what I find most frustrating about people who are constantly judging others. They seem to think that everyone is meant for the same thing, means for the same purpose, but no. that’s wrong. We all have our path, our journeys, and our purpose in life.
Yes, in the past I do judge people all the time, mostly in my head or to my friends but that’s when I was younger. I think people that judge a lot don’t completely love themselves or just think they are better than everyone. I can understand if it happens in your head once in a while because you can’t always help it. However, if everything you have to say something means or judges someone for being themselves, that’s a problem. Also, a lot of people that judge swear they are perfect or get offended when some else does it to them. Why should you judge and when others do it to you it’s a problem? It hurts or offends you when someone does it, but you constantly do it to others. Seems like something a hypocrite would do. Look I just judged you. It makes you feel a way that I did right.
Judging people is wrong. Do you see? Just because someone has piercings, doesn’t mean that he/she is a bad person. Stop judging so much on appearance and start getting to know people. Everyone has a story. Everyone has gone through something that has changed them. So, don’t judge. You were born to be real. Not perfect. You’re here to be you, not to be something you’re not. Stand up for yourself, look them in the eye, and say “Don’t judge me until you know me.” What’s wrong with just being you? Nothing. People judge by appearance, but God looks at the heart. Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who you are. Don’t judge a person’s walk if you haven’t worn their shoes.
I don’t expect you to stop judging right away when that’s just a part of you but try. Try hard. We need to learn to love and accept each other no matter what. When you show people that you accept them and are not judging them it makes them feel so good about themselves. It makes them feel happier than they are accepted despite being different from you. Maybe if we all tried to judge less then fewer people would commit suicide. We all want to be loved and be accepted. We won’t always agree but try not to judge someone for who they are or their views. Your style will not be what another person likes. My advice to you is to try to look at the world and people more positively rather than negatively. It would make the world a better place. Please correct, but never condemn!