Day 264 (Two-Hundred & Sixty-Four) of 365 days

Arowora Motunrola
3 min readSep 21, 2021


It’s not money, it is the lack of money, which is the root of all evil. People can cross their moral limits in pursuit of money. Sometimes people forget that money is just one of the essential things not everything. We should not forget the true value of our life. We should follow our dreams and passion rather than money. There is no harm in the money. But there is the harm in the fear of lack of money. It is the fear of the lack of money, which is the root of all evil. There is the fear of lack of money because people always try to put the money above all else.

Even some people judge others based on how much cash they have. Everything has some bad influence. I believe in life, positivity should get more value rather than money.

Money can do good things, it can help us to build great hospitals or schools, in short, money can do all great things and probably solve all problems. On the other side, it can be used to do destructive things and that’s the reason why money is either a good or bad influence. As we build our wealth we must build our character too by helping others. We should help the one who needs it so that one day they also can be able to help someone.

Money is said to be the root of evil because man has the wrong usage on it. Money is just a medium of exchange. Money does not have a brain to think about how to hurt people. It is the thought of humans that used money as a tool for evil purposes. Many of them did wrong looking for a quick buck or two and end up doing some action that hurt other people. But they blame all the fault on money is their brain that causes evil.

When we speak about money, we have to ask the right questions. The question is not, “Do you have a lot of money?” The question should be, “Do you love God more than money?” And, “Are you stewarding your money wisely for God’s glory?” Having a lot of money is not a sin; loving money more than God and people are.

Being a millionaire is not a sin; looking down on those who aren’t is. Seeking to make a lot of money for the right reasons is not a sin; not living generously is. Material possessions are not the problem; greed and covetousness and pride are. The difference lies in desire and motive. Why do you want more? And what are you going to do with it once you get it?

Having money isn’t evil. Earning money isn’t evil. Exploiting people to acquire that money is, however, and spending it wantonly in ways that don’t bring value into anyone else’s life is probably also evil. Money is a tool. But that’s it — it’s just a tool. Feel free to enjoy it, but also seek to steward it wisely.



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