Day 269 (Two-Hundred & Sixty-Nine) of 365 days

Arowora Motunrola
4 min readSep 27, 2021


Do you feel that taking genuine risks in life is necessary for us to be happy? Can people find fulfilment and happiness in life by playing it safe and not courting any trouble or hardship from taking chances? Is risk-taking an important part of life? I would say that it is. The way I see it, we need risks in our life to grow stronger, as well as to grow as a person. Risk-taking is a way we teach ourselves how to overcome the many obstacles that we encounter throughout the lives we all live. Taking risks is rather inevitable.

We take risks from the time we begin to walk up until we are spending our last few moments on our death beds. It is impossible to live life without taking a handful of risks. Think about it…
The day we take our first few steps as a toddler, we risk either falling on our butts or accomplishing our first walk. As we grow as children we risk going to school, where we could get bullied or make life-long friendships. Every morning, it is a risk waking up. We never know how our morning could go. We could wake up to a good day, a bad day, good news, great news or bad news, reaching accomplishment in our day or falling to our disastrous fate. Asking a high school crush to make it official, applying to an interesting college, starting a new job, moving from home and starting a new family are some of the smaller risks that we take throughout the lives we live. Some people choose not to take these risks, and in the end, they don’t know what was being passed up.

The biggest risk is not taking any risks, In a world that changes very quickly, the only strategy that guarantees failure is not to take risks. Taking risks in life seems very scary, because we face the unknown and many times we are afraid of failure, but believe me there is no worse failure than not trying and being in our comfort zone because we deprive ourselves of many of the fabulous opportunities we would enjoy if we decided to take a chance and try new things, that is why one of the worst places to be as a human being is in the comfort zone. First and foremost, taking risks can be fun and a memory of a lifetime, but they can also be the worst thing you’ve ever done, so whatever risk you choose to take, don’t ever consider ones that you can get hurt from, whether it is a risk that gives bodily harm or mental harm, so don’t take this risk.

On the other hand, Willingness to take risks is a great habit that leads to success, but risking to do something you’ve never done is scary because of the fear of the unknown, No matter how calculated the risk is, there is always a possibility that you fail. If you are taking a calculated Risk you would know the worst-case scenario and you will stay prepared for that. But the great thing is that you can have amazing benefits as well that you might never get without taking the risk. Other than this, you get a thrill as well with the risk that makes your life exciting. This probable failure can prevent many people from trying, The truth is that regardless of whether you risk and fail or succeed, you will always learn valuable lessons, but you should always take an acceptable risk, you’ll have been courageous enough to do something new in your life without thinking about failing because to fail is to avoid taking the risk.
So, there is a reward for being bold and if you do decide to take a risk, you always have weighed out the pros and cons, and see for yourself whether it is worth it. Why is it important to take risks? What tends to make you take more risks can be different for everybody; the comfort zone is that place where you are safe and be average, if you decide to take a risk, whatever it is you
can stand out among your friends and co-workers and achieve much more than others, In a few words you will distinguish yourself from others. Trying something new for the first time will be very scary, but the first step is to try It doesn’t matter if you fail or not, since overcoming your fear will be your first success and you will feel wonderful, this is enough reason for you to prepare for the next risk.

It’s important to understand that by not taking risks, we might end up losing once in a lifetime opportunities, Therefore you need to stop over-thinking what might go wrong and concentrate on where you want to be. Focus on the advantages of risk-taking in a business, incremental changes can happen following the safest path too, taking a risk does not automatically ensure success but, you would learn new skills, You will feel better about yourself because you are trying something outside your comfort zone, You could be wildly successful. Don’t think about how uncomfortable you will be, or that you’ve never tried this before, or that you don’t think you can do it. Without taking risks you’ll never know your true potential, the only thing that prevents you from reaching your goals in life may be fear, Conquer that fear and you will benefit from all the rewards you will get by taking risks in life. If you add risk to the existence, the entire equation changes. You are experiencing, learning and living, take a risk, take a chance make a change.



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