Day 270 (Two-Hundred & Seventy) of 365 days

Arowora Motunrola
2 min readSep 28, 2021


Morals could, in a way, be considered subjective. A certain society of people may have different morals depending on their culture, religion, or overall experiences in life. However, I feel that the concept of at least basic morality is an important one in the survival of the human race. Without basic morals, the world would fall into more chaos than it is already in.

Morality is important for society to partake in because it sets boundaries so that we may, in theory, live in harmony with others. I say this is a theory because there are different views on morals and not everyone is willing to submit to these “rules”.

A person’s life is a cycle of challenges and changes. As a child grows, he or she imbibes a lot of lessons and moral values. While some may get forgotten, some stick till the rest of life. Therefore, it is highly essential to inculcate moral values in children’s lives as their hands lie in the future. Children with ethical values become responsible and accountable people, while those spoiled become a threat to society or culture.

A person with good morals is involved in good deeds and always knows it inside. A person doing bad deeds at the same time may always consider it right in adaptation to the society he lives in but is having bad morals. If the ethical and moral values of a person have declined, he will never feel any shame or fear in performing a wrong deed or even a heinous crime as it is something appropriate by his morals and ethics. Most of the time, it is experiences and the way a person is brought up that decide his actions and hence his morality and ethics.

Social ethics and moral values have been deteriorating over time. As a result, the numbers of crimes like murders, thefts, gang rapes, kidnaps, molestation, incidents of snatch and run and illegal practices like terrorism, hoarding, drug abuse etc. have seen multifold increase in just a few years. Practicality and shrewdness have taken the shape of greed, jealousy, negative competition and temptation for easy money which is completely detrimental to a happy and healthy social life. Humans have lost patience and have become selfish in their motives and hence ethics and morals have declined and lost value in their lives.

In short, moral values aid a person to make the right choices and decisions in life. It directs an individual’s behaviour and makes him or her make clear goals. A person embracing moral values such as loyalty, honesty, compassion, consistency, kindness, reliability, efficiency, courage, and determination, build a better character.



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