Day 272 (Two-Hundred & Seventy-Two) of 365 days
As you live your life you will find that people come and go. Often we try to hold on to those who have let us go, and this is a waste of energy and an activity that has no useful purpose or positive benefit. When you hold on to people from the past who have already moved on then you are wasting energy that could be focused in more effective ways instead.
Life means that you will meet new friends, and also that you will lose people who are an important part of your past. That is life and you must learn how to let go so that you can grow and advance as you get older. If you fail to do this then you may become stunted as a result.
People come and go in your life for a reason. Sometimes for a day, a season, sometimes for a lifetime. If you know for what reason that person is with you, you can learn something from it. When someone appears in your life, it is usually because you have expressed a need, consciously or unconsciously. People come to help you in trouble, guide you with support and help you physically, emotionally or spiritually, to grow as a personality and for the development of your soul.
Just at a moment, a person says or does something that breaks the relationship. Or sometimes a beloved person dies, sometimes they go their way again. Sometimes they turn against you and force you to take a stand. What we have to realize is that our need is met, our wish is fulfilled, their work is done. The unconscious or conscious request you made has been answered and now is the time to move on. Some people come into your life for a while, because it is your turn to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of confusion and pain, of peace or sorrow, they make you laugh or cry. They can teach you something that you have never done or have not experienced before.
Relationships in your life teach you life lessons, through which your soul can grow in consciousness. It is the intention that you recognize, accept and learn those lessons to deal with the experiences that you thereby experience in your life. Therefore, love those people and make use of everything you have learned from that relationship in all other relationships and situations of your life. Forgive the person if he or she has hurt you, or is still doing it. You do not have to accept his or her behavior for that. Remember that there is a "higher" reason for this, which you often do not recognize when you are in a situation that hurts you and makes you desperate. If you look back later, you often know what the meaning of that situation is for you, what you should learn from it. Then you might be grateful that that person was there, whether for a day, a season or for the whole life.
Many people pass your life. Some people have come and gone in a few minutes. Some stayed for a while but they still left you. Some shared with you everything and it seemed that the connection between you two was eternal. But in the end, somehow, they just left. But there are still some people who will stay with you forever. They can be your good friends, or they can be your spouse. They stay with you because of the true bonds between you and them.
One of the biggest lessons I've had to learn this year is that people will come and go in your life. Some will stay for years, others for a few months, and a few only for a brief moment in time. You'll try and search for a reason, an explanation, anything to justify why they're no longer a part of your life, but more often than not, you won't find one. You'll cry, you'll feel anger, you'll become nostalgic for all the time you spent and the memories you shared with those people, and it will be painful knowing things will never be the same.
Very few people are meant to take the full journey with you in life. Sometimes you outgrow people, lose the interpersonal connection, and leave them behind. Instead of regretting the loss, cherish the time you had together and keep it as a fond memory. I believe that everyone’s life is a novel and sometimes new chapters require new characters. It is all part of the process of growing, learning and evolving as a human being. Almost every transitional point in our life involves bridging a chasm of some sort and other people are usually how we cross over. However, they do not all make the same crossing with us.
We all go through stages in our life where our worldview changes. Beliefs we once held firm begin to crumble. Social circles form, break apart and reform differently. People who were critical at some periods end up less important during others. We can build and lose connections based on convenience, what we are doing, what we value, where we choose to live, our work/life circumstances, partner compatibility and our standard of living. Sometimes ending something or allowing it to diminish is the wisest choice we can make. Accept this reality as the natural course of events and don’t judge the other person or yourself too harshly when it happens.
In all life throws at me, I choose to be an optimist. I believe all people you meet at a certain level are there for a reason. They hold a mirror up to your soul and exist to help you become a better person one way or another. When it comes to interacting with another human being there is only so much we can control in terms of the relationship. All we can do is make the best of it whatever it is and be open to new people and new lessons along the way. Do not hold on to your past at the expense of your future.