Day 28 (twenty-eight) of 365 days
You can learn to be, do, have and share with no constraints.
If you are not learning or living at your full potential, if there is a gap between your current reality and your desired reality, here’s the reason. There is a limit that must be released and replaced in one of these areas:
A limit in your mindset
You entertain a low belief in yourself, your capabilities, what you deserve or what is possible.
A limit in your motivation
You lack the drive, purpose or energy to take action.
A limit in your methods
You were taught and are acting on a process that is not effective to create the results you desire.
This applies to an individual, a family or an organization. We all have our own unique story of struggles and strengths. Whatever your situation may be, here’s the best part, you’re not alone. You can become limitless in your specific way by having a limitless mindset, limitless motivation and limitless methods.
Our Mindset is our deeply held beliefs, attitudes, and assumptions we create about who we are, how the world works, what we are capable of and deserve as well as what is possible.
Motivation consist of the purpose one has for taking action. It is the energy required for someone to behave in a particular way.
Method, on the other hand, is the specific process for accomplishing something in an orderly, logical, or systematic way of instruction.
So, whenever our mindset crosses over with motivation, we become inspired. You're inspired but don't know which methods to employ or where to channel your energy. When motivation and method intersect, we can implement. In this case, your results are going to be limited to what you feel you deserve, what you feel you're capable of and what you believe is possible because you lack the energy to do anything about them.
Where all three intersect, (mindset, motivation and methods) then you become limitless.