Day 280 (Two-Hundred & Eighty) of 365 days
“I love you.” These three little words might be the most powerful statement one can make to another person. In life, most yearn for the intimate affection that a certain someone can provide them. Women dream of their Prince Charming to come and sweep them off their feet, while men search for the love of their life that sets their hearts on fire. But what happens when love is thrown around without a second thought? Has this four-letter word become an overused cliché? Has love been replaced with lust? Is there such a thing as true love? We, as a society, have become a loveless, sex-crazed group of people with no concern for any emotion or attachment in our lives. So does this mean that true love does not exist?
No. This only shows that achieving the deepest of feelings takes work that our fast-food eating, TV watching generation is not prepared to handle.
As teenagers, it is natural for us to start thinking about love, whether it be on the physical level or an emotional level. When we were little, we were all convinced that all love stories were going to be our love stories. Epic, romantic, exciting, the lived-happily-ever-after kind of fairytale love story. It’s interesting when I think about true love, and if it really exists. When I was little all I could think about was “wow that’s so romantic I wish that would happen to me!”. But after a while, reality started settling into my adolescent mind, and I started to hate the idea of a fairy tale because I was convinced that they were all fake and would never happen.
If true love really exists, why are there so many couples out there, who thought they were the “ones and their love would last forever, then ended in heartbreak? Is true love just an illusion? I guess it all depends on the perspective. What you define as true love. Do you define true love as the love people have for each other when they would do anything for each other, be there for each other at all times, but it’s not necessarily forever? Or do you define true love as — well, forever, basically, even if the people in that relationship only care about themselves, blinded by the illusion of lust as love? Or must it be a fairytale love story, with its climax and its happy ending and the Prince saving the Princess from an ugly fate?
I know a lot of people who claim that they have been in love or that they are, but I find it very hard to believe. It rarely fails that whenever I ask someone what love is they respond “I don’t know” or “when two people really care about each other”. It is very interesting to me to hear different peoples outlook’s on love. My outlook on love changed. I have seen very few but very special relationships in my life that have given me the hope to believe in true love. I have also seen relationships that simply don’t work.
Love is out there and it’s the most beautiful feeling in life, love is everlasting and although it could be an illusion it’s the greatest adventure you will take. It’s real, we live it, and we breathe it. Love suffers all and is kind. Love does not envy, love does not parade itself, it does not behave rudely, it does not seek its own, it is not provoked, it thinks no evil, does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Love never fails, take it and live it.
In conclusion, I can’t answer if true love really exists. It all depends on your perspective and opinion of yourself. It’s not that I hate the idea of love, I just don’t think people should be too in love with the idea of love, or you could mistake infatuation for love and fall into unnecessary trouble. I guess what I’m saying is to be careful with love. It’s not a thing that comes easy, and it very often makes us lose our sense of self. It’s easy to get carried away with feelings that may seem like love but are really just lust in disguise. Not to mention the way our brains just can’t seem to shut up about the person we like. Don’t rush into love, as Emily Ferrell once said, “before you fall in love, make sure there is someone to catch you”.