Day 288 (Two-Hundred & Eighty-Eight) of 365 days

Arowora Motunrola
3 min readOct 16, 2021


Every human being is born unique. Human becomes unique when they find their strengths and capabilities. Being unique is what makes an individual different from others. So what makes a person unique? Uniqueness can come in many different ways. People can be unique based on their talent, personality, achievements, qualities, etc.

I feel that I’m different from others in many ways. I’m different because of my determination, work ethic, stubbornness not to lose, my love for math, someone who helps others, outgoing, jovial, assertive which makes me seek out and accept challenges, not afraid to try things because it’s an essential process that leads to success, hard worker and a problem solver.

Being different is good! It doesn’t matter what or who you are...those who are different are those who change and shape the world. No two people are ever exactly the same. Everyone is Unique and that is the best thing ever because no one would ever want to exactly like someone else... I mean who would want that anyway?! Being different is... it’s just awesome!!! Embrace your talents and differences, strengths and just live your life the way you want to live it without having to worry about being judged by unimportant people. No one should have to live up to ALL the crazy standards put in place by modern society, because then there is no room to improve it to make a society where racism is gone and hatred is just about gone. No one is perfect and no one is the same. How we live is our one and nothing can stop us from being unique!! Be who you are meaning don’t stop yourself from being different!! Be heard!! Voice your opinion and take charge of your own life!! Set your standards!!

Different is what I’ll always be because I don’t match with the preferred educational, economic, religious, and social systems that want to shape me into a predesigned mould that I can’t fit into.

Everyone wants you to be what is best for them, not what is best for you. Wanting to please everyone and be what is socially acceptable stole my personality away. However, by accepting myself, I came to realize that I am absolutely beautiful. Not because I am better or worse than anyone else, but because I am exactly what I am supposed to be. Everyone is different in some way or another, but only a few dare to show it to the world. The majority try to fit into a mould that is too tight to feel free in.

Don’t listen to the lies about how it’s nice being normal because there is no such thing as normal all it being mildly different!!! If someone says a narky comment about you or you being different just flash them a smile that says "Yeah...I’m weird, but I’m proud to be!". Keep your head held high and smile!! There may be a few bumps in the road, but they will pass soon enough that’s why they are called bumps!!! Take my advice to heart and remember that 'Being Different is Good.

Thanks for reading and I hope this helps you and others who are struggling to find a confidence booster!!!



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