Day 310 (Three-Hundred & Ten) of 365 days
Light reflects happiness, goodness, joy, positivity, brightness etc. While darkness is just the opposite of light. It depicts sadness, sorrow, negativity, dullness, pale etc. God created both light and darkness and separated them to make us understand their concepts. He wants us to understand that after the light comes darkness, and after every phase of darkness, there is the return of light. This means whenever we have happiness or joy in our lives, we should understand that we need to face some level of sadness or problems for some duration.
We all have heard things like- “You cannot clap with one hand” or “There are two sides of a coin”. These two are very common in today’s world. They also reflect the phrase “Joy and sorrow go hand in hand in life”. All of them try to teach us the same thing. Joy and sorrow are a part and parcel of our life. We cannot run away from them. Running away is not a choice for us. If we run away from them, it will hurt our life. We have often seen people in our life who run away from problems. They break down and are easily dejected from the problems or if any bad thing happens in their life. They do not even try or make a little effort to tackle those problems.
Human life is an endless interplay of joy and sorrow. As like a coin has two sides heads and tails, a persons life has two different sides which are opposite to each other. Whatever god present us in our lives, they are meant for some purpose. He introduced sorrows to our lives such that we can feel happiness wholeheartedly. Who can feel the importance of being happy in the absence of sorrow? No one. They are just like the day and the nights. One gives us happiness and the other let us know the importance of happiness.
Who just lead their whole life happily without any sorrows? google it. It might show error 404 not found. They show you a path to your goal, they help you in being determined. No matter how much you find happiness in any work, you will find at least a pinch of sorrow in it and vice versa. In the drama of our life, never try to make happiness as an occasional episode, whatever you do even it may be a small thing or a huge one just find happiness in it as you will never know when the sorrowfulness is going to attack us. so, why waste our remaining time, let us find our passion, our work, our happiness.
We must plough our fields and dig the earth; the hidden treasure will come to us even without knowing it. Winter is a season of dullness and desolation, however, it’s followed by spring which stands for joy and beauty. One must learn to be optimistic in life. An optimism is bound to be crowned with success. Success only comes to those who are brave and hopeful. Pessimism is a curse whereas optimism is a divine blessing.
When life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate, When life is bitter, say thank you and grow.