Day 313 (Three-Hundred & Thirteen) of 365 days
For me, gift-giving supplies me with an armload of self-gratification. I am not a needy person, by any means, BUT I do need to be needed. Gift-giving is just one of the many ways you can show a person how you feel. Not just love but gratitude and appreciation as well. I use it as a way to let someone know that I am thinking about them.
Sometimes people get so comfortable with their lives that they forget that everything worth having has to be worked for, and any relationship that you begin with someone will always and continually require work. Positive reinforcement is just as effective as tough love. When I see someone I love heading in the wrong direction or close to making an err in judgement, I wouldn’t even hesitate to try and help them or prevent them from getting hurt. Gift-giving supports the other end of a relationship. When I see someone I love doing something or saying something (or even saying nothing when it applies) to send a positive message, I want them to know that I noticed that and appreciate that about them. To me, relationships are living and breathing "creatures" that must be fed well and maintained to stay healthy. If you find someone in your life that makes you want to try harder, snatch them up and don’t let go!! They, themselves, are a gift and should be appreciated.
Gifts occupy an important place in our social life. They build our relations with other people. We exchange gifts with other people at our festivals. The Eid gifts, the birthday gifts and gifts exchanged between friends are the routine of our life. They speak of our love for one another. Some gifts are given merely out of material considerations. A subordinate may give a gift to his officer to win his favour. Gifts are given as a form 0f bribery. Such gifts are not liked by anybody in society. Our religion attaches great importance to the exchange of gifts.
Nowadays, the exchange of gifts has become a trend among people of all ages. People always find a reason to give gifts- be it festivals, birthdays, anniversaries or other celebrations. While some people believe that giving presents to others is the best way to show our love and affection for them, others opine that there are many other ways to show that we care.
Gifts are tokens of love, trust and goodwill. They play an important part in making us love one another. They stir our memory and sentiment. They arouse our feelings of generosity. The giving of a gift brings to the surface all the good qualities which we possess. They make us humble and help us shed off our pride and vanity. It is our best for others That urge us to give gifts to our relations and help us overcome our prejudices and base feelings.