Day 318 (Three-Hundred & Eighteen) of 365 days
I believe in the simple act of making someone’s day. It’s an easy thing to do. All it takes is a little kindness and a few words. You would never know or be able to understand what a random act of kindness small as a phrase like,” you look great, have a nice day,” can do to make a persons day so much better, unless you have experienced it for yourself.
Just a few words can change a person’s whole day around. It’s letting them know someone cares, makes them feel good about themselves, show them that the whole world is not out to get them. If everyone took two seconds to tell one person a day something kind that makes their day I guarantee friendships would grow, relationships would strengthen, suicide and homicide rates would drop. I mean come on, even the people who try to act tough and like they don’t care for compliments care deep down. It’s just human nature to feel good when greeted warmly or complimented grandly. Even just waving, saying “Hi” with the biggest smile on your face could do the trick.
The best part about it is you feel great when doing it. It always cheers me up to know I made someone’s day at least a little better. If I can get a smile on their face I’ve done my job. I love to cheer people up, especially when I’m feeling down. To cheer them up, you got to act goofy, smile, make them feel good about themselves, and in doing that I always end up cheering myself up messing around or being just silly to make someone’s day. Seriously guys, who know how you could help someone. You may increase their self-esteem, make them feel loved… Who knows, you may have even kept them from deciding to commit suicide or do something else if they had been angry or in a bad mood before.
Cheerleading has been extremely important to me. It has impacted my life for the better. I have learned that nobody can change your desire and love for your passion. I spent countless hours trying to improve my tumbling and skills. I learned that it does not matter what negativity people throw at me, I mean so much more than that, and I should never give up.
I don’t often feel sad, but when it happens I try hard not to think of the reason, which has put me down. A useful thing that I do to distract myself is reading or listening to music. When I sink into the lyrics of the music or inspiring words of the book, I feel better. However, what picks me up is dancing. While listening to music and trying to express my feelings through the art of dancing, I release the negative energy and get rid of the negative thoughts. This undoubtedly makes me feel relieved, calm and happy again.
Everybody feels sad from time to time but don’t you think it is not right to expect other people to listen to your moaning as this will put pressure on them and will probably make them sad? This is why I think it is essential that we should be able to handle our sadness on our own. Instead of engaging someone else with your problems, you should try doing some different activities until you find what helps you feel better. Do anything that stops you from concentrating on yourself! Keep cheering on.