Day 324 (Three-Hundred & Twenty-Four) of 365 days
Effort refers to a vigorous or determined attempt at doing something. It implies using energy to accomplish a certain objective. In the technical world, the term effort is used to mean a force exerted in a process, or by a machine. Any great achievement can also be considered an effort because it describes how hard you are trying to attain a goal. Something easy to do does not take much effort but if it is extremely hard it requires a great deal of effort. Even if your attempt does not work out the fact you tried and used some energy implies you made an effort.
What you do today – the effort you put in – determines your success tomorrow. Rory Vaden, the author of “Take the Stairs: 7 Steps for Achieving True Success”, says, “Success is never owned; it is only rented – and the rent is due every day.” The effort, like sunscreen in the summer, needs to be applied consistently. To achieve our goals, we need to put in the effort every day. On days that we feel good and on days when we don’t feel like doing the work. Many people will put in effort for a short time and when their effort does not immediately pay off or they become distracted by life, they stop putting in the daily effort needed to finish and succeed.
One way to keep yourself motivated to put in the effort needed for your goals is to think of all the other people who have the same goal. Knowing that most people will at some point give up and stop putting in consistent effort, you can use this to motivate you to continue to work hard and keep moving forward. I call these “Get ahead” days. These are the days that you get ahead of your competition. After all, everyone can put in the effort when they are feeling good or the circumstances are perfect, but not many persist through the tough days. The effort is just a habit that we need to develop if we want to be successful. Success requires that you are willing to do whatever is necessary when it is necessary to succeed.
In the present world where people believe they can achieve everything they want without putting any effort, doing the opposite and proving everyone wrong sets you apart. It also enables opens new opportunities, transforms your life and gives you influence. So, if you are competing for anything with several people the best way to beat the competition is to put in maximum effort.