Day 38 (thirty-eight) of 365 days

Arowora Motunrola
2 min readFeb 7, 2021


Fulfilling one's duties and accepting the consequences of one's words and actions - intentional and unintentional. Let's face it, the world needs more people who are willing to take personal responsibility for their thoughts, words, actions, and their associated consequences.

This virtue will help us throughout the rest of our lives, and, when times get tough, we can move through adversity much faster without playing the victim card. We duck responsibility for reasons ranging from simple laziness or a fear of failure, through a sense of feeling overwhelmed by the scale of a problem or situation. Whatever the reason, if we fail to take responsibility, we’ll fail at our jobs, we’ll fail in our teams, and we’ll as well fail to grow as individuals.

Some people claim that responsibility is not in their nature. They say that they try to be responsible but nothing works. I don’t think that’s fair enough. I believe that for someone, responsibility is more natural, for others it is not. That is why for someone it can be easier to be responsible, while for others itbis rather hard. Honestly speaking, judging from my own experience, sometimes it is so difficult to stay responsible, especially when you want to relax and have a little rest without thinking about the duties you have.

It may seem that people who are too much responsible very often are too serious, and tensed, they cannot enjoy their lives. Someone can even say that they are unhappy. Partially it can be true but not necessarily. You can be a responsible and joyful person at the same time. Responsibility does not exclude happiness.

Nevertheless asking " To be or not to be responsible?" the answer is definite: to be! But you should always remember that everything is good in moderation.



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