Day 53 (Fifty-three) of 365 days

Arowora Motunrola
2 min readFeb 22, 2021


Having a serenity of spirit while focusing on the needs of others. True meekness is part of the virtue of self-control and remaining calm and not allowing oneself to be quick to anger. With today’s 24/7 news cycle and social posting, having the virtue of meekness will help us not react out of malice or anger, but rather count to ten and think before we act.

Meekness is not about being a washy person or being unassertive, or just being wimpy. Instead is about refusing to use power to harm other people. Meekness is the desire not to be greater than others, it’s about being bold, non-violent and standing up for what is right and not being manipulative to convince people.

However, it’s not in human nature to be meek, meekness goes beyond instinct, education or even social influence. For us to be meek, we need to be ready to do whatever good to promote peace at all times. We need to be considerate of others and show true humbleness and gentleness towards everyone around us by helping those in need.

Meekness is not being a coward by retreating from reality; it is not about being selfish and avoiding trouble that can cause more damage. Neither is it a false humility whereby someone refuses to recognize his/her talent and refuses to use himself/herself for the benefit of society. There is nothing that shows your strength better than your meekness. It might sound a little bit odd. It may come across as some kind of a contradiction, but if you think about it for just a minute it makes a whole lot of sense.

Meekness is strength because it remains constant and clear minded across all manners of situations. We all carry meekness within the core of our being. I believe that this meekness pulses deep within us all, we just have to actively bring it out to the surface of our characters. A meek person may lose battles but wins overall struggles. So, over to you, do you see meekness as strength?



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