Day 61 (Sixty-one) of 365 days
Change is hard — even when it’s really good for us. This is a great thing to remember about change, especially when we’re in the middle of it, is that change is good. It is natural. It’s normal. It’s part of life. It’s really good for us. Without change, we stagnate. We don’t grow. We become complacent. We get bored. We do not have the tension and conflict we need to become who we were always meant to be in life.
Without the possibility of change, even the greatest gifts in our lives lose their luster, because we take them for granted, knowing they could never go away.
If you’re in a really hard season right now, the good news is — Change is coming and when change comes, you will leave this hard season with who you’ve become. In the midst of it. So, do everything you can right now to become the person you want to be when your circumstances get a little better. And if you’re in a really good season right now, enjoy every minute. Soak it up because no season lasts forever.
Sometimes, when I talk with people that are more confident, accomplished, organized, efficient, productive, happy people. I know who admits when they get really honest, that they do not know for sure exactly where they are going or what they are trying to do. Nobody Does! We are all just doing our best, feeling around in the dark.
So the point is nobody just gets clarity for direction without really fighting for it. Nobody out there magically has more than you have. You have everything you need to begin.
When I start to get myself worked into the frenzy of “I don’t know where to start”, I remind myself of a phrase from Arthur Ashe that has become a mantra to me — “Start where you are, use what you have and do what you can”. Reminding yourself of that phrase would go a long way.