Day 64 (Sixty-four) of 365 days
The law says that if you take steps in the direction of your destination every day and keep walking, no matter how slow or how far you must travel, you must one day arrive.
Age is irrelevant. Wherever you are in your journey is a starting point. Whoever or whatever it is a starting point. Whoever or whatever it is you’re chasing, slowdown. Realize there is no race. Whatever you’re 20 or 40 or 70. If you never stop seeking then you’ll never cease to be amazed by what you might find.
Do you remember how free and wonderful it felt being a child? We never understood it then, but now looking back we realized how good we had it. It felt so nice to get a pat on the head for coloring. In the lines. Life was good then and less meant more. Why was it so easy to be happy when we were younger?
That’s because we were clueless as children. We remember doing our homework, but it was never stressful. We never stayed up past midnight to finish a report that was due the next day. As kids, we could have any opinion. In the world and no one would look at us like we were crazy.
And then we got older and things became more difficult. Suddenly school work was hard and time-consuming, and our parents were expecting more from us. When we grew up, we also grew conscious and it made us more attentive to the world around us.
Being a kid can be so liberating, but no kid is going to lay in bed and come to this realization “Have fun while you can”, is something that any adult will tell you throughout high school and college. They realize that they rushed through the “best” years of their lives.
Why can’t every day be the best day? Just because we’re older or younger, doesn’t mean we can’t do things that make us happy or achieve our dreams. I don’t believe anything in life is really changing, but the number we use to identify ourselves. When it’s your birthday, do you ever feel a year older? No! Because you’re the same exact way you were some seconds ago.
We are very much just like children we were a few years ago. Our beliefs on things may always change, but our intentions will stay the same. The amount of happiness we have can’t be categorized into a certain age, because it’s possible to achieve great feats in any stage of your life.