Day 75 (Seventy-five) of 365 days
No one can stop the clock or slow it down. Most noteworthy time will keep going whether one likes it or not. Because time doesn't wait for everyone, it becomes a precious commodity. Therefore, we must make every moment count. This is because that moment is never going to repeat itself.
In previous time many kings proclaim themselves as the ruler of their age and all. But they forget that they have limited time. Time is the only thing in the world that's limitless. It can make one a king or a beggar in a matter of seconds.
Although most people do not understand how valuable time is until they lose it. Besides there are people in the world who prioritize money over time because according to them, time is nothing. But they do not realize the fact that it is time that has allowed them to earn money. Apart from this, time has given us prosperity and happiness and on the contrary, it has also given us sorrow and grief.
Though the future is unseen, we can work hard today to increase the probability of a better tomorrow. We should learn to use our time properly. We should try our best to avoid the habit of indolence and begin to do our jobs on time. It will surely brighten our future.
It is true that nobody can accurately forecast the future. Many things are beyond our control. The economy and financial situation of countries are fast changing. Even the weather condition always remain uncertain.
Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you satisfied in the future. Think of how precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savoured.
Do not assume that I'm pro-work with no fun-side. Fun is actually the best way to relieve work-related stress, but it should be done in moderation. Too much work is bad for our health. The same way too much fun is. To have a meaningful and balanced life, time should be planned wisely to accommodate all areas of life.