Day 71 (Seventy-one) of 365 days
Waking up dreaming about something you want very passionately is not a bad thing. You can dream about anything you want. Having dreams don’t simply mean what you see while sleeping. It is something that comes from within and you have to mould your thoughts accordingly.
Dreams are not just scenarios but the instances of thoughts you have all the time. People don’t become famous because they only decided one day they would be. It is through having dreams and working towards them which led to follow the right path in their life into ultimately why they want to become, famous.
The dream is a multi-step process. Although coming up with the idea of how you are going to spend the rest of your life is important, acting upon that idea is half the battle.
The only one that can dream big enough about you is yourself.
No one else has control over your life.
I fully believe that there are three kinds of people in the world; Those who dream, those who encourage the dreamers, and those who do nothing. Sometimes, you might have the general idea of what you wanted to with your life until someone presented another way of viewing that idea that everything starts to make sense.
It is good to never shy away from dreaming, if when no one is ready to believe in your dreams. It is good to ensure that you have some dreams in life and follow them. You are your hero and the first believer in your dreams, and thus, there is a need to have some dreams every day - to keep believing in yourself.
The future belongs to those who see the beauty in their dreams and are more optimistic about it. We all have valid dreams, and we need to be an optimist in life to dream big.