Day 76 (Seventy-six) of 365 days
Is life fair? This is a question which has always been asked by people from all walks of life since time immemorial it was always asked mostly by people who have less in life.
I believe that life is far from being fair. There are some situations to which you have no control over, and the outcome of those situations is completely against you when you shouldn’t be. In some cases, you don’t even know that some situations are there until you become affected by their outcome.
However, we can make life worthwhile even though it may seem unfair by just remembering other people have to go through that kind of stuff too. We should be pleased with what we have!
In my opinion, we do have control over unfair circumstances. There are many things that we can do to control things that are challenging us instead of throwing a fit about things you don’t think are fair you can find a way to work through it. For example, do you think it’s fair when people discriminate against others? There’s always a way to work things out even if it takes courage and time.
I can tell you a fact that life isn’t always going to be easy. There are going to be bumps in the road. There’s always going to be something that’s just not fair. What will always help us to stay positive is to remember that you’ll always find someone there with you?
Life can be a field of battle deprived of hope and covered in death, or life can be a meadow of peace nourished with happiness and covered in puppies. Life is many things. You can get accused of something you didn’t do. Also, being born into a poor family can have a very negative effect on you and how you live your life.
Lastly, life isn’t fair because you don’t always get what you want. I believe if we try our best, we can make life fair, easy to live and enjoy. We must take down all the obstacles that make life unfair. So we can enjoy it and live it to the fullest.