Day 88 (Eighty-eight) of 365 days
Everyone has something we hold closest to our heart: it may be our principles we live by, values, and even our own beliefs. Values are those things that are very important to us but we never realize how much we value them in our life.
Have you ever been asked to define your main values and rip them up? We all have personal values that give us strength and strive to do what makes us happy. They are standards that we live by whether we realize it or not.
The two important values that I have learned are independence and respect. I learned these two values from my childhood. Independence means that you can support yourself without relying on others or depending on yourself concerned with livelihood or studying. It has made me make decisions about my life without being controlled by others.
Respect, on the other hand, has taught me how to treat others fairly because they’re humans irrespective of their tribe, religion, or race. This has also earned me a lot of love from people I’ve come across in life.
We all have our own unique set of values and beliefs that have been developed through the course of our lives. Our values are the foundation upon which we make decisions. They determine who we are and the path we take in life.
Despite this, many of us do not choose our values; we simply adopt the values of others — our parents, friends, colleagues. This however influences the development of our own set of values and beliefs.
So, take a pause and reflect on your core values. They may not be important to some other people, but they will guide you forever. Trust me, they’ll help you do many good things in life.