Day 90 (Ninety) of 365 days
We all know that blooming flowers, twinkling stars, and the rising sun indicate beauty, but have you noticed that this beauty also has a hidden trait? It's the beauty of silence. Silence is eternal, peaceful, and makes our life – as well as the lives of others – beautiful. If used intelligently, it is a beautiful way to express emotions.
Silence expresses different emotions in different situations. Silence speaks through our eyes. In happiness, the shining eyes, in sorrow the silent tears, and in love the shyness of our eyes convey the deepest meaning.
Silence and creativity are one. A quiet environment allows us to develop our talent and thinks deeper. Inspiration always comes in a silent environment. For instance, intellectuals, thinkers, poetry writers, inventors, and creators in all fields always seek absolute silence and a quiet environment so that they could work comfortably and get inspiration. Imagination also springs from silence.
Silence enables us to listen to our inner voice and to detect our unique methods of thinking. It gives us a chance to understand ourselves better. Consequently, we improve and re-establish our relationship with ourselves. We simply used to think others know better than we do. We have been taught this for most of our lives. Listening silently to the promptings of our hearts enables us to begin to know our voices and become our masters.
It helps us find our values, understand our strengths, identify our tendencies, acknowledge our limitations, set our goals, and then establish our direction. Silence brings calmness into a person's life and very often tides over unpleasant situations.
When faced with certain problems, it is better to maintain a diplomatic silence and wait for things to resolve themselves. You will be surprised at the number of times they do, just because you kept quiet.