Day 93 (Ninety-three) of 365 days
Addiction is an illness – be it drug, habit, or a person, that changes the way our brain thinks, functions, and processes Information. Addiction leads to compulsive behavior that provides temporary pleasure that holds long-term harmful effects on an addict's life.
There are various types of addictions that different people get tangled with like, drug addiction, TV addiction, internet addiction, shopping, social networking sites addiction, video games addiction, Facebook addiction, computer addiction, gambling addiction, pornography addiction, etc. It does not only affects physically but ruins the addict's mental peace and soundness of the mind.
People are addicted to many things and don't even realize it. Addictions are the side effect of a grasping mind. When we try to cling to things beyond our reach, or moments in our lives that have passed, it can sometimes lead to negative emotions or trigger unhealthy feelings.
Generally, it is when an individual feels excessive helplessness toward situations in his or her life, addictions and other coping mechanisms can form to help deal with the emotions. Unfortunately, in many cases, it can be hard to truly see what is causing the emotions and what an individual is grasping for or reaching toward.
Addiction is, however, curable and we must not give up on the person who is addicted, rather help them out for a better life. To come out of addiction, one needs to recognize and identify that there's an addiction problem. You need to take some time and understand the symptoms to treat them. Motivate yourself to do better.
After that, understand that the journey will be long but worthwhile. Identify the triggers in your life and try to stay away from them as far as possible. Most importantly, do not be hesitant in talking to your loved ones. Approach them and talk it out as they care most about you. They will surely help you get on the right path and help you in beating addiction for better health and life.
Addiction is a dangerous illness that can claim a life in a heartbeat! Ready to stay off it? You have to.