DAY 338 OF 365 days
When I was little, my mom told me that I do not have to be good at everything; just great at one career that can carry me through the rest of my life. “Don’t be a jack of all trades; master of none,” she would say. Similar to me, my mom has great expectations for my future. She told me that most people lived most of their life sticking to many different jobs because they could not excel at any one of them. The more successful people, on the other hand, have a single, large industry that keeps their income going and happiness within their lives.
I always thought that if you had the versatility to take on many tasks, you would have a better chance of getting through life. However, I was wrong. Life is not like a game, where you could save and keep on resetting until you get what you want. Games are based on numbers and AI scripts, but the real world is based on decisions and luck. So while I can keep restarting that mission to make that perfect push, life is different; whatever happens, is what happens, and you can not change it.
Expectations are a part of human nature. It is normal for us to want better things in life. “Humans are the greediest, most arrogant creatures on the Earth.” We are prone to have high expectations for people and occurrences we meet. However, too great of an expectation could lead you to negative consequences. You might miss a job opportunity because you think that working at Burger King is too unprofessional, or obtain an injury. Sometimes, you just have to take what you get. Although life is unexpected, it is okay to anticipate the eye of this storm called “Life”. Just make sure that you do not set your hopes too high.
Expectations plays important role in every human being. It is one of the common attitudes carried by everyone in their emotions. Why focus on expectations? The main reason is that expectations are a common source of stress in our lives. This happens when expectations exceed the limit. We tend to expect a lot from the person we think close to or a loved one. We simply took the right to expect more than our limit toward with whom we are expecting.
Do you know what I think? That life is all about expressing who we are fully and learning to accept, embrace, honour and treasure our authenticity, our uniqueness and our Divinity. You didn’t come here on this planet to blend in, to lose yourself in the crowd and to pretend to be something you are not. You came here to honour yourself and to share your authenticity, your perfection, your unique and beautiful presence with the whole world. You came here to shine, to share your unique gifts and talents with all of us and to make the world a better place with your presence.
You didn’t come here on this planet to blend in, to lose yourself in the crowd and to pretend to be something you are not. You came here to honour yourself and to share your authenticity, your perfection, your unique and beautiful presence with the whole world. You came here to shine, to share your unique gifts and talents with all of us and to make the world a better place with your presence.
The truth is ~ plan as we might, the future is never the way we imagined it. If you had told me just six years ago that things in my life would turn out as they did, I probably would have laughed and called you delusional (given that I was only twelve at the time, but we’ll just have to let that one slide). What I’ve recently come to realize is that life can’t be planned out because things are always changing. Life tends to throw unexpected curveballs, so there’s no way anyone could know how to plan out their future because the future cannot be guaranteed. Some of the best things in life are unexpected...but so are the worst.
As cliché as it may sound, the only thing you can do is take the good with the bad and hope for the best. Take pleasure in simple things. Enjoy what you have while it lasts. What most people forget is that this life is fleeting, and they spend half their lives worrying about how to make themselves better instead of enjoying what other people would kill to have. And what for? That’s a good question. Why not enjoy life now, as you are? “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today,” as they say. Make memories while you can. Do something crazy. We, as mere humans, can not know what the future holds for us. Don’t spend so much time planning and waiting in the angst of the future that you miss your entire life. Because the one thing you will always make time for later is regret.