Day 300 (Three Hundred) of 365 days.
“God has not forgotten you.” As I heard those words, I was flooded with emotion. I hadn’t realized how much I needed them. As tears streamed down my face, I understood how lonely and forgotten I had been feeling.
Knowing that God had not forgotten me stirred me to press into him with renewed hope. Those simple words turned my mind and helped me focus on the truths that I needed to remember. That the Lord was with me and would sustain me through this trial. That God was using my suffering to accomplish something far greater than I could see or understand. And that my pain wouldn’t last any longer than was absolutely necessary.
The pain of loss can lead you to feel alone, even forgotten. The lack of answers to your Why questions. A lack of a sense of what society calls closure; that is, the acceptance of what has happened and the transition to something new. The drying up of the stream of encouraging phone calls, or mail. In all of this, you may wonder where God is. Your heart may speculate whether he, too, has forgotten you. But he has not. The healing you long to experience may not come right away. It rarely does. It will take time. You need to accept that, and be patient.
Many of us spend more time, asking “ God why me?” instead of thanking the LORD for those things he has been doing that are not visible to us. For instance a couple looking forward to conception is likely to sigh and be unhappy when the woman sees her period. They have forgotten that there are women whose periods aren’t only irregular but have ceased even when they are not close to the age of menopause.
Such a woman fails to see that the manifestation of her monthly period is a sign that her miracle is on the way.
Perhaps you are familiar with the story of Noah and how God kept him and his family away from the flood. God uses trials to show that he alone deserves the credit. Trials make it clear to the world that I am not in control. Everyone can see that I don’t have the ability or strength to overcome the problem. Therefore, when God works he gets all the glory, not me.
Is the storm so big that you think you can't overcome it? Are you at the edge of giving up on your goals and aspirations? Be patient and let God walk with you because he has not forgotten you!