Day 299 (Two, -Hundred & Ninety-Nine) of 365 days
I used to think that everything happened for a reason—that fate was life’s definitive pilot. I believed there was a blueprint for my life and that I merely moved through it as planned. I think I was the way a lot of people are nowadays: here, sensing, thinking and doing, but not actually being.
Too often, we accept that things in life happen when they do, and so, we wait for what’s next to come to us.
Create a vision for yourself and your life and use the opportunities that come when life throws you a curveball to review your goals and dreams.
You may discover a speed bump was a wake up call to focus on something important you may have otherwise overlooked. Where do you see yourself in six months, in the most important areas of your life? How is your life incredible? What is something that you enjoy then that isn’t in your life today? What excitement, adventures, and amazing experiences do you have? Who do you know? Where have you been? How do you feel? What do you do on a regular basis? How are you awesome?
Now draw it in to three months: What has happened and needs to happen three months from now to get to your vision? Be specific! Are you trying something new? Have you changed your daily habits? What do you fill your time with? What is it like to be this awesome you, three months from now? Hone in, one month from today. What is different? What steps have you taken to this new-you six months away? What are you up to? What have you accomplished? What are you working toward? What have you consistently been doing for the past 30 days?
What happens to you a week from now? In seven days, how have you changed your habits and your life to steer its course to something new and incredible? What are you planning? What is being implemented? How do you feel? Now I plan tomorrow. Repeat daily.
Plan your time, because time flies, but the good news is you’re the pilot of your life. Stop waiting for life to happen to you and take ownership for leading your life. You have led your life to amazing places already, and there is no stopping where you can go from here.
When I started honouring my impatience. I stopped waiting and suddenly, being impatient was something I loved about myself. I used to sense, think and do. Now I breathe, feel and be. I like this a whole lot better! Some things actually don’t happen for a reason—they happen because we make them happen.